Right Contractor Works In The Choices
The resume and cover letter are the first thing. But they are not enough to tell if a person is suitable for a certain type of job in a particular company. Especially in small businesses, having the right collaborators can make a huge difference in business results, but finding and recognizing them is not that simple, the ideal candidate must in fact have the necessary skills to do the job, but must also recognize himself in the culture and in the values of the company. In small companies, the honor and the burden of choosing new collaborators is often left to the entrepreneur , who may have (or may not have) tested techniques for evaluating candidates, intuition, the ability to think outside the box. The use of the contractor is important there. The potential of the candidate Personality is the most important trait of a candidate, even more than his skills. The right skills can be acquired, the personality cannot. One of the traits to be assessed is the candidate...