Right Contractor Works In The Choices

 The resume and cover letter are the first thing. But they are not enough to tell if a person is suitable for a certain type of job in a particular company. Especially in small businesses, having the right collaborators can make a huge difference in business results, but finding and recognizing them is not that simple, the ideal candidate must in fact have the necessary skills to do the job, but must also recognize himself in the culture and in the values ​​of the company.

In small companies, the honor and the burden of choosing new collaborators is often left to the entrepreneur , who may have (or may not have) tested techniques for evaluating candidates, intuition, the ability to think outside the box. The use of the contractor is important there.

 The potential of the candidate

Personality is the most important trait of a candidate, even more than his skills. The right skills can be acquired, the personality cannot. One of the traits to be assessed is the candidate's social intelligence, that is his ability to manage relationships, communicate and work well with others: who, during the interview, for example, struggles to look the interlocutor in the eye or to articulate their answers may not be the right person for a job that involves contact with people. Whoever has the exact experience required is not necessarily the right person for the job. The so-called "soft skills", ie emotional intelligence, the ability to articulate thought, communication and relational skills are equally important and must be evaluated with the same attention.

Check your social profiles

Googling the name of the candidate you are evaluating is always a good idea, and most recruiters do so regularly. To understand exactly who you are in front of, however, it is also advisable to take a look at his social profiles: certainly on LinkedIn, but above all Facebook, Twitter, maybe Instagram. Behavior on social networks provides good insight into the person, from which one can deduce their degree of affinity (or compatibility) with the company's culture.

Don't stop at appearances

It is true that candidates are always recommended to go to interviews professionally dressed, combed and with clean nails. It is also true, however, that the entrepreneur shouldn't stop at first appearance , and a slightly disheveled candidate might be perfect for that job. As much as the skills can be acquired, even the appearance can possibly be improved.


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