What makes the house contractors Ring perfect

 The topic has already been addressed in a previous post: in view of future maintenance work, the assembly of condominiums appoints a qualified technician to identify and estimate the work to be performed. Then, in the design phase, the technician draws up the so-called bill of quantities.

In a previous post you said that: the itemized estimate identifies the work necessary for building maintenance with a rough estimate of the expected costs to be addressed.

·        If you want to know more, read the article: Estimated bill of quantities and extraordinary maintenance works in the condominium.

·        Choosing the company for the condominium works contract: the price is not enough.

·        Subsequently, the metric calculation, deprived of the “estimated” prices, will constitute the model on which the companies will have to formalize an economic offer for the execution of the works described therein.

Therefore, the offers received will be examined by the assembly of condominiums which will be able to evaluate them, at its discretion, to select the company deemed most suitable. You can choose the house contractors solutions in this case.


But is the examination and comparison of several quotes sufficient to identify the best offer?

Or should other characteristics and information be evaluated as well?

Of course, it is not recommended to choose the contractor only on the basis of the price requested for the execution of the works. On the other hand, any further information and documentation certifying the technical-professional suitability, the organization, the solidity of each bidder company will be useful for the assembly of condominiums to guide their choice in an informed and informed way. And finally, here are some requirements to be asked of the bidding companies to assess their technical professional suitability (ITP).

It is a fact: the more data you collect and interpret, the greater awareness you will have in choosing the contractor.


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